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Generation of Entrepreneurs
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The 22 On Sloane Incubation programme is designed for entrepreneurs who are in the process of starting or launching their new venture. The programme focuses on the identified market opportunity, scrumming and helping entrepreneurs develop their go-to-market and/or growth strategies.
This programme is designed for startups that have a functioning Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The programme will help achieve product market fit via custom build. The programme will help the startup build and implement a sustainable business model as well as launch and scale their venture.
The Scale Up Programme focuses on providing access to market and capital for high impact startups and SMMEs. We do this through our vast network of angel, venture capital and institutional investors as well as our private/public sector partners in South Africa and the rest of the continent.
22 On Sloane offers digital skills programmes targeting youth to make them employable in the new world of work. Courses include but not limited to: Software Engineering, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Technology Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation. These courses are accredited by the Sector Education and Training Authority (Seta) of South Africa. Â We also have a GEN Juniors weekend programme where young people in high school are taught various skills on entrepreneurship, design thinking and coding.
Through 22 On Sloane’s work in the ecosystem, we are able to draw research, provide insights and advise government on policy recommendations that would help create a conducive environment for the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Our position in the market affords us the opportunity to provide deep understanding, that can inform impactful intervention, encourage growth in the ecosystem and provide well considered solutions to complex challenges.
Through our Hackathons and Huddles, we identify market gaps and generate solutions to close the said gaps. We follow a market pull approach whereby we develop a solution around a specific need of a corporate partner so that off-take is guaranteed. We select the best value proposition, and we develop it into a market ready solution. We then appoint a commercialization team to take the product to market and support it.
22 On Sloane Game Development Studio aims to enable learning, development, building of prototypes and experimentation of new gaming solutions and products. The Game Development Studio will enable developers to leverage new technologies and resources to develop and launch new games that have commercial appeal.
We have over 3000sqm lettable area which is occupied by over 100 startups and their staff. Startups in our space get to network and meet their peers while working in an innovative environment that spurs critical thinking.
Our events and ecosystem initiatives bring together key voices in the ecosystem for thought leadership and networking events. Our campus is an iconic entrepreneurial hub and serves as a centre of excellence where private and public sector can host their internal events while immersing themselves in our startup ecosystem.
The report on Township Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The Entrepreneurs Lived Experiences by the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) offers a fresh perspective on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by entrepreneurs in South Africa’s townships. This report highlights the distinct nature of township ecosystems from the perspective of the entrepreneur, which had been largely overlooked in previous studies
September 3, 2024
Boitshoko Shoke
Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub brings people, knowledge, and technology together to help founders at every stage solve startup challenges.
Sign up in minutes with no funding required.
Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub brings people, knowledge, and technology together to help founders at every stage solve startup challenges.
Sign up in minutes with no funding required.
22 ON SLOANE is the largest startup campus and entrepreneurship hub in Africa. The campus offers startups and innovative SMMEs a complete turnkey solution to scale, from the initial idea to commercialisation, funding opportunities and access to markets. Its aim is to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset, ensure their sustainability, and explore development of new industries while contributing towards job creation in Africa. At our campus, a global and diverse team of experienced entrepreneurs, mentors, scientists, managers, CEOs, and funders support entrepreneurs enrolled at the campus, with capacity building, product development, business services and business models. The experts are active throughout the journey to build their companies and assist with market entry and financing through angel funders, developmental funders, and venture capitals.
Our Vision:
Powering the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Our Mission:
To become a platform of choice for startups and SMMEs to scale and become global brands.
More than
More than
More than
Boitshoko Shoke
Tsakani Nkombyane
Boitshoko Shoke
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22 On Sloane is the largest startup campus in Africa. The campus offers disruptive startups and innovative SMEs a complete turnkey solution to scale, from the initial idea all the way to commercialisation, funding opportunities and access to markets. Its aim is to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset, ensure their sustainability, and explore development of new industries and contribute towards job creation in Africa.
Email: info@22onsloane.co
Tell : 011 463 7602
Johannesburg Hub:
Cnr 22 Sloane St and Winnie Mandela Drive
Bryanston, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2191
Cape Town Hub:
39 Somerset Road, Green Point, 8005, Cape Town, South Africa
Experiencing technical issues with the site? email info@22onsloane.co
© 2024 22 On Sloane Pty (Ltd)