Africa's Largest Startup Campus
Powering The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs.

Enhancing Entrepreneurship Education and Skills


September 2,  2021

15:30-17:00 (GMT +2)

Location : Zoom


Being an entrepreneur usually means starting and building your own successful business, although people with entrepreneurial skills can thrive within larger organizations, too. Entrepreneurs generally take a creative, innovative approach, and they may take risks that others would avoid. Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bringing good new ideas to market.

Entrepreneurship education cultivates innovative talents, which are an important driving force for future development. At present, innovation-driven development strategies place new demands on entrepreneurship education because Innovation is seen as an internal driver and innovation relates to an entrepreneurial mindset thus, the development of new products or entrance to new markets as the result of entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship education is an important way for startups to acquire resources, enhance innovative ability and innovative personality, and build multi-level learning channels for entrepreneurs by integrating various knowledge and value systems. From knowledge learning to skills improvement, entrepreneurship education includes general ability development and improvement of professional ability. Entrepreneurial competence, which is important for success, mainly refers to the ability to identify opportunities and develop the necessary resources and capital 


The Startup Huddle programme provides a platform for entrepreneurs to discover solutions to the challenges they face through purposeful engagement with a broad array of voices from the local community.


During this huddle we will:
+ Raise awareness for the need for Entrepreneurship Education and skills
+ Understand the role of entrepreneurs in the South African Economy
+ Discuss the different Entrepreneurial Competencies.